TOMAŽ GROM, double bass, electronics;
EDUARDO RAON, harp, electronics
As regards experimentation, improvisation and pushing the envelope, the “string brothers”, Tomaž Grom and Eduardo Raon, each rank among the most audacious and imaginative musicians in their respective countries. Raon, who made his Slovenian debut with the Powertrio (Jazz Cerkno 2009), intrepidly applies his classical background to a range of tendencies, from avant-garde through rock and noise to pop. Grom sports a similarly inclusive modus operandi, apart from being active in various bands (Alzheimer Trio, Tilt etc.) also dedicating himself to impro scene promotion (series and workshops, e.g. Confine aperto). Refusing to conform to established conventions, the subversive musicians challenge each other every time they meet.
EDUARDO RAON, harp, electronics
As regards experimentation, improvisation and pushing the envelope, the “string brothers”, Tomaž Grom and Eduardo Raon, each rank among the most audacious and imaginative musicians in their respective countries. Raon, who made his Slovenian debut with the Powertrio (Jazz Cerkno 2009), intrepidly applies his classical background to a range of tendencies, from avant-garde through rock and noise to pop. Grom sports a similarly inclusive modus operandi, apart from being active in various bands (Alzheimer Trio, Tilt etc.) also dedicating himself to impro scene promotion (series and workshops, e.g. Confine aperto). Refusing to conform to established conventions, the subversive musicians challenge each other every time they meet.
“Raon’s playing was vigorously dynamic, from barely audible overtone oscillations to energetic string-plucking, among others also with a glass that ended up broken on the floor after a brief passage.” (Radio Študent)
“Grom often sounds like some bastard offspring of Barry Guy and Simon Fell, but more extreme than either, abusing his instrument within an inch of its life.” (Bagatellen.com)